
This site includes 9 slide shows. They were all free presentations in Moab about the area’s rock art. After the first showing I put the lecture into a pdf format and gave it to the Grand County Library where anyone could copy it. The shows on this site restore the video tricks and include a voice-over of the captions. Game Drive and Seasons of the Sacred Sky reiterate the manuscripts of the same name but take less time and effort to grasp.

Astronomical observation  2007 – to present.  The Observatory formation in Hidden Valley is rich in art and Basketmaker structures that mark the Equinox and Winter Solstice events.

This show reiterates  the Snake chapter in the Seasons manuscript. I presented  it in 2019 fas part of a Museum of Moab lecture series.

Feminine symbolism in Moab’s Basketmaker rock art.

How rock art illustrates an ancient Indian game drive.


Interpretive options for Basketmaker petroglyphs

A survey of different rock art styles in the Moab area including Archaic, Basketmaker, Anasazi, Fremont, Ute, and European designs.

An introduction to four astronomical sites discussed in the manuscript Seasons of the Sacred Sky.

A tour through the Mill Creek game drive corridor without all the details, tables, charts and other rig-a-ma-roll found in the Game Drive manuscript.

Astronomical observations 2012 to present. An Archaic type-site that marks the Equinox and Summer Solstice.